So Sick Of Corporate Ick

Our department got some pretty sad news this past Monday. Jobs that currently belong to nine of my work friends will be outsourced beginning early next year. Wasn’t really a surprise to me. After working in the corporate universe for nearly 40 years; one acquires a feel for such things. The sad result, of course, is the disruption my friends will experience. And I, being a caring kind of guy, feel very badly for them. Call me idealistic, but in my professional opinion, it doesn’t have to be this way. Corporations can make their money and still make employees feel valued. With rare exception though, this is not the way of the corporate world.

But what do I know??

At least my friends are getting a couple months notice. That could be considered kind. I’m sure there will be a cost savings to the company to have an outside service replace these employees. In the process, the Upper Crust always seems to make sure their pockets are nicely lined with large bonuses. Of course, this isn’t unique to our company, it’s become common all over the world. Importance of profits far outweigh any concern for the employees’ well being. If it weren’t for labor unions, we underlings would be treated even worse than we are now.

Reminds me of the Dr. Seuss book, “The Lorax.” The character called the Once-ler is confronted about the damages done by the rampant growth of his business. His company’s fortune thrives on materials taken from Truffula trees, which also happen to be the primary food source for creatures called the Bar-ba-loots. As the Truffula trees are over harvested, the Bar-ba-loots begin to starve, and suffer from “Crummies in tummies.”

The Once-ler’s response: “…business is business! And business must grow, regardless of Crummies in Tummies you know.”

Business is business… ain’t that the truth??

Of course, those of us whose necks missed the chopping block can’t help but wonder who’s next. Nobody loves these kinds of changes, including me. However, I’m getting a little better at keeping the negative fire storms out of my head. Being annoyed and sad is already uncomfortable enough. My magnifying mind can, if let loose, really run with all this and build a grudge that becomes harmful to me and those around me. Fortunately, over the years I’ve learned that if I allow anger and resentment to fester in my heart, I’m basically poisoning myself. Being livid about things over which I have no control is about as effective as eating a poison pill and expecting someone else to die.

I’ve been talking to my friends at work about all this stuff. When I consider out loud about if (or more likely when) it will be my turn; they offer suggestions like finding an IT head hunter or maybe doing computer consulting work. Bless them… they’re concerned for me. When they’re done I mention that I’ve been a slave to technology for over 40 years. I thank them warmly and let them know in no uncertain terms that I’m really ready to do something a little different. I’d like to do something that may pay less but will feed my soul. Perhaps somewhere like Goodwill, and help those less fortunate than me become a bit more self-sufficient. Possibilities are only limited by how open my mind will be.

In the meantime, I’ll show them (the corporate big shots)!! I’m gonna continue to work at the job and try to be happy!! So there!! I’m going to try to avoid dipping into the poison pot about corporate dysfunction. After all, the only thing I have any control over is how I react to all these “wonderful” things that are changing at the workplace.

When my serenity alarm goes off, I need to remind myself to run through my “gratitude list.” I am healthy and I have the love of a beautiful woman. She even let me marry her! We have cars that work, a nice home, plenty to eat. We have loving relationships with our offspring, relatives and friends. Life really is good in our universe.

No poison pill for me thanks. We all have the right to be happy, and I’ve been taught the only way to achieve that is to take care of myself.  I need to make gratitude my attitude.  I need to say “thank you” to The People Upstairs (whoever they are) regularly.  Sometimes it takes a bit of work to pull it off, but life is much more peaceful when I succeed.

Can you tell I’m practicing?

OK.  Time for a chuckle… I did some hunting and found this gem by Monty Python.  Definitely relates to the topic!  But again, that’s just my professional opinion…